Tuesday, August 25, 2015

It would've been NQF if only I'd seen it on my way home: a boat shaped ceramic

Sometimes you need a belt. 
Sometimes you need a belt because you are wearing your awesome lightweight travel pants that happen to be a bit too big because you bought them a few years ago when you were doing serious pilates everyday and your thighs were super developed but now your more sedentary job and the fact that those pilates videos somehow disappeared from netflix means you don't do pilates, but you still don't want your pants to fall down.

So you go into a Goodwill during your stopover on the west coast to look for a cheap belt and of course you have to look in the housewares section to see what donated items look like in this city.
Then among the miscellaneous mis-matched odds and ends stacked on wire shelves in the back

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Freestyle pass along: a bromeliad baby and a fern split

A friend recently moved into her own apartment and needed some greenery to counteract all that beige. 
 I had a fern and a bromeliad that needed splitting.....

You can perhaps guess the rest.

Here is the bromeliad living its new life (apparently through rose colored glasses).  This bromeliad was a "pup" (offset) that appeared about 1 year after buying the original mother bromeliad plant from a grocery store.  Don't discount those grocery store plants, they can be quite hardy.

And the very studious fern, perched atop a bunch of books.
Worth noting that this is at least the 3rd split from the original grocery store fern (Nephrolepis type). That things just keeps growing, again, don't overlook grocery store plants.  You can achieve a lush look indoors by combining easy-care ferns that have a graceful drape and small leaves with spikier-leaf plants (such as Dracena spp) or broadleaf plants such as Crotons or Pothos.

Happy freestyling, and gardening.