Tuesday, May 28, 2019

It's more than just a random pile of metal

I own two folding metal platform bed frames, and they are so convenient.  Lightweight, easy to carry, easy to pack, and they remove any need for a box spring. I'm still unclear on why people still buy box springs to put under their mattresses when you could just use a platform, but maybe the rest of the sleep-using population just needs to know they are out there.
Having assembled two metal bed frames (in two different styles), and having found and gifted away at least one more, I know what they look like. Even when they are not at their best, like when someone has tossed one into a rubbish bin. Sigh, such a waste.

One that has been thrown away might look like this....

all askew

Instead of seeing a random useless pile of black powder-coasted metal, I see something that would be absolutely perfect for a friend who will be moving soon and needs to furnish a new studio apartment. It took me a few minutes to unscrew the wingnuts from the cross-brace pieces (no special tools were required) and then fold down the frame.  I knew from past experience that these metal bed frames, once folded down, will fit in the trunk of a car. You don't even need an SUV, a regular taxi will do just fine.  So that's what I used to transport this salvaged piece over to its new home.  A $10 taxi ride that netted a bedframe that would normally cost over $100.  Not bad for a few minutes of effort.

Happy freestyling.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Grilled to meet you

There have been times where I have seen used grills discarded on the loading dock. I'm not just talking about the counter-top plug-in electric grill style, but the outdoor charcoal-requiring type that involve open flame.  They seem like they would be SO EASY to give away. Lightweight, metal, sort of self-sanitizing (or at least easy to clean), and yet sometimes they just don't make the moving van cut.  In the past I've never grabbed one of these discarded homages to fire because - truth be told - I'm not much of a griller.  
Apparently this is shocking,  even to my friends who already know my eccentricities.  
(Which I, in turn, find surprising.)
Why this should be shocking I don't know, but apparently there are people who, like, worship the idea of grilling as some mandatory element of a good summer.  That's cool, I'm happy to eat their food. I do like eating outside.  And, even more important, I do love finding stuff that people have already told me they want, for free.  In early April a friend mentioned how her husband was so excited to grill this summer, but was bummed out because he didn't have a grill and didn't want to buy one.
So I filed that tidbit away.

One magical early spring evening, I saw this.

a grill, discarded.

A tiny lil' grill!

The garbage gods were really smiling that night, because just like it was meant to be, there was even a laundry basket and some fresh towels that I used to pack it all up and carry it away.  It was lightweight, I just didn't want the metal banging around while I was walking.

a grill, rescued and slightly disguised for transport

Yes, I'm sure I looked odd walking around with a laundry basket in the early evening, but whatevs.
I was freestyle killin it.

The recipients were overjoyed, and now have the, apparently necessary, ingredient of summer fun.

Happy freestyling.