Sunday, November 29, 2020

Framed! Three small frames get a shiny gold makeover

A neighbor was kind enough to leave some items out at the end of their driveway in a box marked FREE.

I love this. Such a fun thing to find on a walk around the neighborhood.

Inside the box, among a few other items were these three frames, two were for 5x7-inch images and one frame was for an 8x10-inch image.

I thought these were perfect candidates for a shiny gold makeover.  A few coats of acrylic paint later and they were ready to go.  A few days after I found the frames serendipity led me to some discarded nature magazines from the 1970s and 1980s.  It was fun to take a few minutes to page through these retro publications and find some potential images to use in these makeover frames.  I found a variety of landscapes, flowers, and even a powerful close-up of Niagara Falls and a wide-scale shot of part of the Grand Canyon.  

After trimming the magazine pages down to size everything was ready for framing!

Top left: Grand Canyon; Bottom left: Niagara Falls; Right side: botanical illustration
Top left: Grand Canyon; Bottom left: Niagara Falls;
Right side: botanical illustration

Ta da! I'm so happy with this little craft project that took three very different frames and unified them through paint.  This would be the perfect kind of DIY craft project to knock out in a few minutes with spray paint, but I didn't have any gold spray paint, and to be honest I'm on a roll with the little jar of creamy-texture gold paint.

Happy freestyling, don't overlook the possibilities of paint!