Monday, May 19, 2014

Doorknob pocket! An easy storage solution for small spaces.

If luck is preparation meeting opportunity, then craft luck is stored-up inspiration meeting someone with a bag full of shrunken wool scraps - at least if you want to make an over-the-doorknob hanging storage pocket.  This project was carried out on a sunny winter afternoon using scraps of wool from old sweaters that were being repurposed into mittens by a very crafty lady in Cambridge.

Step 1: Find wool scraps of suitable shape and size, measure for desired width.

Step 2: Convince wool-scrap donor to also sew your pocket pieces together on her awesomely restored vintage sewing machine.

This project involved a grey wool backing and two fun striped pieces for the pockets. The sewing consisted of a few straight lines, making this an easy project for any sewing experience level.

Step 3: Trim away the excess wool on the sides, and cut a hole for hanging the pocket over the doorknob. Note: start with the smallest hole possible, you don't really expect to be moving your new hanging pockets around too much.

Step 4: Store handy items in your new over-the doorknob pockets!

Happy freestyling!