Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Shoemergency. Solved.

Small things can have such big impacts. 
A fly in the ointment, a paper cut, a broken zipper.....
A friend arrived at an appointment only to find that her shoe's zipper pull had disappeared along the way.  She had to pry her boot off in a bit of a hurry, less than ideal.
This is the normal shoe.

Now imagine this shoe without the zipper pull, hard-to-impossible to grab the zipper piece with your bare fingers.
When she brought the shoe back I used a jump ring from this key chain (imagine a jump ring hanging off the end of the chain links).....

...and a part of an earring that I had found on the street....
(don't ask why I picked it up off the street, I don't even have an answer)

And thus we have a temporarily repaired shoe, with a little bit of bling.

Happy freestyling, and random shoe repair with jewelry bits and tiny tools.