Saturday, September 7, 2019

Grilled to meet you - update

Finding a tiny charcoal grill

Remember in early April when I found a small charcoal grill and gave it to a friend who was longing for one? I wrote about it in this post.

Here is the grill as first discovered...

a grill, discarded.

Transporting a tiny charcoal grill, using a laundry basket and towels

Here is the tiny grill ready for transport...

a grill, rescued and slightly disguised for transport

New owner enjoying their new (free) tiny grill for some summer dining

And now, here is one of the overjoyed users, showing just how nice it is to have a patio set and a grill for summer food prep. (See that little folding table? Yes, it was also a freestyle find.)

Happy free styling, share your requests with the universe - you never know what will turn up.