Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A demure demi-lune enters the picture

I admit, there are times when it might be handy to have a car.  Such as when you are walking home from the grocery store, loaded down with bags, and you spot a lovely wooden table on the curb.  (The counter-argument is that if I had been in a car I would not have seen this table because I would have been on a different street.)


But such sweetness! Such scalloped edges! Such a nice finish, especially for a street find!  I knew I couldn't just walk home and come back, in 20 minutes it could be gone forever. So I planted my grocery bag on top, got out the phone, and started dialing.  After a few no-answers (and many curious looks from passers-by) I reached one of my roommates, who graciously walked over and helped me out by carrying the table all the way home.  Who needs a car when you have friend power?

Here to stay
At first I thought to paint it some outrageous color, like cobalt, then something classic, like ecru, but in the end I kept its original finish.  Creative Roommate pointed out that it seemed a shame to potentially obscure the lovely details on the turned-wood legs with paint, and the finish is neutral enough that it fits with the apartment.  It moved around a few times during the summer (I found it back in May!) before it found a place, but now this quasi demi-lune table has a place to call home.

Demi-lune, meet silver lamp and bowl of moss.

Someday, once I have a freestyle home, I can see this table in the entryway welcoming visitors with its graceful lines... and great story!