Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Transfer treasure: White enamelware bowl

Transfer station.
Sounds so much better than 'place with giant garbage bins for you to separate recyclables and trash on a Saturday morning.'  Transfer stations are also know to have swap sheds, or give-n-take racks -- all things that are music to my ears.  During an autumn visit to a transfer station I found a lovely little bowl gathering dust in a nearly empty swap shed.

Top view, dust included

Such a lovely piece of white enamelware, only a few dings around the top rim, but otherwise in great condition.

Side view

Coincidentally, the next day I was walking by a parking lot flea market in another city when I spotted this bowl for sale.  $12 for a vintage white enamelware bowl.  Not bad, but mine was free!

I'm not sure what I'll use my new bowl for, but given its wide flat bottom and vertical sides it has the look of a potential succulent planter....

Happy freestyling!