Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Freestyle Plant, A Retrospective

Over the years I've given away many plant cuttings in the spirit of freestyle gardening for all!  One small Sansevieria purchased in approximately 2004 has been the gift that keeps on giving.  Really.  If you think you can't keep a house plant, you're wrong.  Just buy a snake plant and grow your confidence.  The variety I so casually purchased back then doesn't grow very tall, maybe 8 inches (other varieties can be 4 feet high), so it is a great option for small spaces -- and for giveaways.

So, how are those giveaways doing today?
Today's Sansevieria retrospective looks at two examples.

Example 1.
A freestyle blue ceramic pot and plant cuttings gifted to the fabulous Lady K in 2012.  The blue pot was from le dump and had no bottom drainage hole, but Sansevieria isn't picky.  Besides, look at that awesome red dresser, what plant wouldn't look good against that?

Here is the same plant photographed about three years later, sometime in late 2015.
Look at that lush greenery!  Even on a northwest facing windowsill it is still going strong.
The original blue pot went to a farm in the countryside.

Example 2.
We're not quite sure what this plant looked like when it was given away.  I wasn't expecting to keep track of these giveaways when I was thinning out my container garden collection.  It was probably one of the ones featured in this 2012 post about paying it forward with plants.  Safe to say that it was smaller, but after a few years and a fancy new pot this one is definitely still happy. Also, this is now on a north-facing windowsill in a bright kitchen, but with no direct light.  In true Sansevieria style it doesn't seem to care one bit.

 So there you have it, anecdotal evidence of the tough-as-old-boots qualities of this modestly sized Sansevieria variety.  It doesn't grow fast, but it can survive just about any home environment.

Happy freestyle gardening!