Found: black plastic snap frame with 3-picture mat (water-damaged), front acrylic sheet intact and useable. Going to the swap shelf on overcast days is usually less fruitful than sunny ones. Rain ruins a lot of otherwise useable stuff, but I got this frame before it was too far gone. The backing was too far gone, but the mat was only partially damp, so Creative Roommate was able to take it out, dry it, and paint it to cover the water stain. At left is a photo of the mat in the process of being painted.
Her inspirations are varied, but this was a surprise when I found it on the kitchen wall on morning. Good day to you oh representatives of Carcharodon carcharias! Are you fans of freestyle?
Feed me! and me! and me! |
Since this happens to be in our kitchen, it seems appropriate that these pictures are about hungry animals.
Stay tuned for how this blank canvas of a wall will get freestyled in the days ahead.