Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Freestyle not taken: a chair preserved only in memory

In retrospect I should have taken this one, but at the time (early January) I was trying to minimize the amount of stuff that would have to soon be tetris-packed into a cargo van. Oh well, how was I to know that the chairs expected to furnish a future apartment would have molded and warped in someone's shed over the winter?  This is the type of retrospective realization that pushes me towards preemptive stockpiling.

My first thought upon seeing this seat-less chair was, 'a little 1980s...but it could be painted.'  It probably needed to be re-glued in parts, and obviously a seat would have to have been fabricated.

Chair on sidewalk - Broadway

The back reminds me of upside-down hockey sticks, but something like this might look nice in a dark color like navy.   The seat cover is trickier for me, solid? Curvy pattern? How to offset the pronounced lines of the chair back? Maybe mirror them on the seat cushion with a mod-inspired fabric.

 Even though I didn't take the seat-less chair I'm prepared with inspiration for the next possible freebie find.
via Knack Studios
Different chair style, but the dark frame with crisply graphic fabric fits the type of look I lean towards.

Happy Freestyling, or freestyle dreaming if that's all that is possible during those winter snowstorms.