Monday, July 7, 2014

From discarded door to larger-than-life mural.

Anything can be a canvas.  Please keep that in mind next time you have construction, or deconstruction, scrap materials that you can't find a use for.

For example, when moving from one apartment to another, you might find yourself in possession of a spare door (these things happen in the world of Cambridge Freestylers).  We kept it with the original intention of using it as a door in the new apartment, but the design plans changed and it wasn't the right size for the new doorway.  No worries, it was the right size for a door-sized mural.

This lovely piece or birds at a body of water brightens up a bedroom in the new place.
Of course it is totally portable and still usable as a door, but right now just rests against the wall in grand fashion.

Happy freestyling, and painting.