Tuesday, August 21, 2012

As happy as an alligator eating raw chicken?

I found a basic black 8x10 composite wood frame a while ago. It had spent a little time in a rain shower before I got to it, but there was no print or photo inside (did you know that wet photos stick to glass and are annoying to scrape off? now you do!). It floated around the apartment for a bit displaying a photograph that looked ok, but not great. I admit, not all my ideas work out perfectly at first.  But once Creative Roommate got her hands on it she made a watercolor we'll call "Alligator Feeding Time."

This hung on the kitchen wall, above the stove, with all the other animal feeding paintings until one day... 
She sold it! To a friend of another roommate who came in, liked it, and offered cash for this and another watercolor.  This was unprecedented, but super cool. I'm sorry I wasn't there to witness it, but I'm happy knowing that a freestyle frame was a part of it.  When Creative Roommate told me the story her smile was as big  as the alligator's in the picture. Buen provecho!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Suspected Stoneware

Found: White ceramic, stoneware-feel, planter. Hallmark: that big flower delivery service, made in China.
Location: Cambridge DPW shelf
Original Condition: Slightly soiled. (pun intended!)

I love stoneware, the smooth-but-not-slick feel of it, the way it looks almost soft. I'm always happy to find these kind of pieces, and even though this one wasn't marked as such, I'm calling it stoneware.
Here is a pic after this little beauty got home, had a good scrubbing, and I repotted a trio of jades to fit inside.

This freestyle find became part of mega plant giveaway #2.  I had been growing the jade cuttings for a few months, and they were very happy in my windowsill.  Now they are very happy in their pretty planter in another Cambridge apartment. Passing on the freestyle!