Sunday, May 10, 2015

Assorted small ceramic planters

At the same time as the larger blue and white planter in the last post, I also discovered these smaller ceramic planters.  The larger ones have no drainage holes, while the smaller ones have drainage holes but there were no matching trays to be found when they were sitting forlornly next to the dumpster. This was not a deterrent.

I don't know what plants I'll use, but now that I have more containers I am inspired to take some cuttings and get them started rooting in plain water.  This method has worked well for both pothos and begonia cuttings, sounds too easy, but after a few weeks roots appear.  So far all of the transplants have all survived after moving from their rooting-water bath to regular potting soil.  

The next step is to eat yogurt so I can repurpose the plastic containers as planters by poking holes in the bottom.  Those plastic containers will be the right size for the two larger pots.

Happy planting and freestyling!