What to do with a stuck measuring tape? Take it apart!
I found this measuring tape and thought it would be useful. Unfortunately it didn't really work, and by 'didn't really work' I mean it wouldn't retract and wouldn't extend past a few inches. So I decided to take it apart and see if there was something that could be fixed, and just to see what it looked like inside.
The disassembly started by unscrewing the back screw that also held the belt clip.
A little surprisingly - that one screw was the only thing holding the two halves of the case together. The black soft plastic case slid off the yellow hard plastic, and the two halves of the yellow plastic just pulled apart.

You can see the measuring tape wound around a central wheel and held under tension with a metal spring. Unfortunately after taking the whole device apart I wasn't able to fix any part of it, so I gave it to a friend who decided to affix it to a table as a permanent measuring aid.

Be sure to wear eye protection and hand protection if you decide to take apart a measuring tape, or any other device containing metal under tension. The edge of the measuring tape is really sharp and can cut you if it snaps or releases from tension.
Happy freestyling, and if you can't repair something and decide to take it apart - do so while wearing the proper personal protective equipment.