Since planters and cachepots can be more expensive than the plants themselves I've started to keep my eyes open for low priced ceramics wherever they may be. This one was in the kitchen wares section and only $5.99. I'll take it.
My Haworthia succulents keep producing offsets (plant babies) and I have to keep finding new homes for them or repotting the mother plant into a large container. This one was pretty simple. I often use coffee cups for succulent planters, because they are free and its easy to poke holes in the bottom for drainage. The utensil crock was taller than the coffee cup but that issue was easily solved by adding a little step (made out of part of another coffee cup cut down to size) for the plant cup to sit on.

Voila! Another example of kitchenware to cachepot.

Even though I don't usually give my succulents their own chairs I think this ones looks pretty good on the slipper chair, maybe it will just hangout there until it has to move.

Happy freestyling!