I am a plant hoarder who likes to be prepared.
For example, I found some black plastic plant pots while biking home one night, and even though they were a bit awkward to balance on the handlebars they made it home. So far I've used two of the six. More recently I found a pair of adobe-colored plastic planters with separate trays, score! I've also found the occasion bag of potting soil, not glamorous but something that I can *always* use.
This preparation meant that when a large aloe cutting showed up on my desk one day I was ready to plant it. I trimmed the black plastic inner pot so it wouldn't stick out over the top of the adobe-colored outer pot.

I could have planted the entire aloe directly in the adobe-color plastic pot, but the drainage holes are rather small, and I wanted to keep the pot small while the cutting is developing roots. This way there is a large gap below the bottom of the black pot for drainage.

I used some shells on top of the dirt to help hold things in place, and even the shells are free courtesy of my parents and their trip to the beach.
Happy freestyling and plant swapping.